Mihhail Ivanov was born in 1934 in Ostrav. In 1942, he and his mother were imprisoned and sent to Riga, and later to the Salaspils camps. Mihhail describes his life in the camp, how he ended up in an orphanage, being reunited with his mother, as well as his later life.
In the beginning of the Second World War, Theodore Balberyszski’s family moved to Vilnius, Lithuania. In 1941, the German occupying regime placed his family to a Jewish ghetto in Vilnius. After the ghetto was dissolved, Theodore Balberyszski and his father were separated from the rest of his family, and sent to the Klooga concentration camp in Estonia. After the end of the war, Theodore Balberyszski managed to return to his family. In the interview, he talks about his life in the ghetto and at the concentration camp, as well as his later life.